quarta-feira, 9 de abril de 2008

Escolha o filme e vote na enquete. Make me suffer!!

Tamara: Tamara Riley (Jenna Dewan) é uma adolescente que detesta sua vida. Seus colegas de escola a acham esquisita e ela mantém uma paixão secreta por seu professor de Inglês. Além disso, dois alunos acreditam que ela tenha escrito um artigo para o jornal da escola, criticando seu comportamento arrogante. Ao se vingar, a garota morre. Tempos depois, Tamara ressurge e as coisas saem do controle.

Satan's Little Helper: In Halloween, the student of theater Jenna Whooly returns to Bell Island to spend the holiday with her family and her boyfriend Alex Martin, who studies in the same class and was also raised in the island. Her young brother Douglas "Dougie" Whooly, who is very attached to Jenna and is fascinated in the videogame Satan's Little Helper, becomes jealous with the presence of Alex. He leaves home wearing his costume of Satan's little helper seeking Satan on the streets to kill Alex. Dougie meets a serial-killer that coincidently is wearing a costume of Satan and proposes him to attack Alex. He brings the insane murderer home, and Jenna and her mother Merrill Whooly believes that the masked killer is Alex acting like Satan to please Dougie. Later the boy walks with the criminal along the streets helping him to kill the locals.

Wild Tigers I Have Known: Junior high in a time of rotary phones. Cougars have been spotted in the area. Logan is 13, the odd kid, with an active imagination and few friends. His young, single mother seems stressed. Latency is giving way to puberty, and Logan, who keeps a tube of lipstick in his dresser, may be gay or, more mysterious, transgender. He stares at himself in the mirror. He becomes friends with Rodeo, older and more mature, good-looking, with girlfriends. They take walks. Logan calls Rodeo and pretends to be a girl. Will he disclose himself to Rodeo? The kids at school talk. The school wants to promote kindness and tolerance. There are stories of child suicide. How do we find our way?

O Assassinato de Jesse James... : Jesse James (Brad Pitt) foi o mais notório fora-da-lei da América. Enquanto planejava mais um de seus grandes assaltos, descobre que seus inimigos, ávidos por glória e fortuna, haviam se lançado numa corrida em sua captura. Quando Jesse declara guerra a todos eles, Robert Ford (Casey Affleck) entra em sua lendária gangue. O que ele não sabe é que o novo membro do grupo também tem um plano para matá-lo.

2 comentários:

Unknown disse...

Satan´s Little Helper Cóóóó
I beg of you hahauhauhahauhahahha

Ju Miyazawa disse...

Go satan´s! Go!
Fora filmes "de certo prestigio"!